Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Alhamdulillah hari ini, Khamis 20hb Jun 2013 saya telah mengkaji kedudukan saya sekarang dan mendapati apa yang saya perlukan adalah melaksana setiap perkara yang saya telah rancang.

Pagi-pagi lagi saya telah ke Slim dan berbincang dengan Encik Agos untuk menyiapkan kedai yang saya bina di Lot 23 Pekan Slim. Matlamat saya adalah untuk membenarkan rakan-rakan menjalankan perniagaan di musim puasa ini pada 9hb Julai 2013, Insyaallah.

Pada petangnya saya akan mula menyediakan marketing plan untuk Koperasi Kelana Jaya Berhad.Matlamatnya adalah untuk mula aktif dalam dunia perniagaan.

Thursday, February 9, 2012


1. Enter their world
2. Know the right timing
3. Right mood - establish trust, respect
4. Get them interested, passion
5. Arouse their curiousty

Friday, May 14, 2010


We all have to forget our differences and start to put our head together how to make our nation great. It is during the downturn of the global economy that we could start something that will bring economic growth to the nation.

I hope to start working on my unattended land so that it will generate revenue for me. It will have a spinning effect that will be good for me , my family , the local community and the nation as a whole. I welcome ideas on how I should begin with project

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Malaysia is now being hit with drastic changes that is taking place both in the the country and globally.It is up to everyone of us to contribut to make our nation great.

We have to be positive in our thinking if we want to progress. Continue to plan what is best for the country.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


The economic downturn created problems all over the world. Many companies face big losses and a number of them closed down. All of a sudden many people lost their jobs which brought about sufferings to so many.

In this time of uncertainty we need to have a positive attitude. With confidence the world should move forward instead of coming to a grinding halt. At this point of time some rich people become poor overnight and some people who happened to be at the right place and the right time become rich. So we all should try our luck

Anybody interested in the agriculture sector. I have some land and hereby invite you to join me in the agricultural field.

Raja Abdul Rahman bin Raja Mohammad Dain